By Jolanta Maria Nitoslawska,  M.Ed., 
International Director of Academic Affairs, BE+Live

 The upcoming school year is bound to be different. We are all at home, and students will be connecting with our colleagues and us online. Some of our classes will be live, as we talk to our students either whole-class or in small groups. Many of us will probably also be posting short videos that our students can then watch when they can. Our schools are certainly supporting us, as are all of us at BE+Live. 

We all want our interactions with our students to be as good as possible, but have you thought about the different teachers your students will be connecting with? Will my videos and my classes be as interesting, as creative and as much fun as those of my colleagues? And will all our connections be as likely to increase student achievement? 

As we think about working with our colleagues, several tips may be helpful:

  1. Remember that every single teacher or specialist plays an important role. Sometimes we get so busy that we forget to tell people just how much we appreciate them. Be intentional in remembering: a note, a call, a message can go a long way. These are your colleagues, and you are all involved in ensuring a good year for all your students. 
  1. Communicate constantly. If we want strong, successful working relationships with our colleagues: Spanish teachers, Music, Art, or PE Specialists, we have to take the time to communicate. So often strained relations between teachers stem from misunderstandings. Explicitly share your expectations. Be clear on what you will be expecting from your students. Listen to your colleagues’ expectations and then reach agreements. Be honest. Often relationships between educators crumble because one does not like something the other does but is ever assertive enough to bring it up. It’s much better to “confront with care” than to let irritations fester until things shatter. 
  1. Improve practices in your school by JPD (Joint Practice Development). Teachers have always shared good practices, either via verbal or written presentations. Despite its popularity, the success rate of this method has been rather low. Coaching and mentoring have had better success rates than merely listening to other teachers. In JPD, all teachers are involved with whole-school improvement. This is a continuous effort, where everyone is an active participant, combining learning with practice. JPD is always interactive and always innovative for both parties: it builds up from what is not working where all work together to make it work. At BE+Live, your coach may help get the ball rolling. Make sure you have a system in place. 
  1. Listen to all teachers and insist that your students do as well. Recognize that some of your colleagues may know certain students and their needs better than you. This knowledge is invaluable. We all have information, ideas and strategies to share, so let’s share them. Also, insist that all students respect all teachers, whether they’re the classroom teacher or a new teacher or the quirky art teacher. Remind students that your school hires the best adults possible to help them learn and that every single adult at the school should be accorded respect and care. 

Be grateful for all the great teachers at your school! Every single one of them may surprise you if they haven’t already! Communicating, working,  and reflecting together will ensure a more effective and pleasanter working environment and better results for our students.

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Accessed  Aug 7-16, 2020

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